W.W.W. – World Wide Wisdom   Experience our Experience!

  • One of our most media-quoted website areas! W E L C O M E !
  • You cannot put a price on advice, experience and service – it is a priceless commodity. AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE staff have over 120 years of constant travelling experiences
  • When you commit your travel to our agency we would be pleased to expand and further explain any details contained in this World Wide Wisdom section. This is a very small part of the intense IP (Intellectual Property) qualities that sets’ Axis Travel Centre apart from other Travel Agencies and Airlines/Suppliers
  • Human knowledge. Human contact. Human empathy and Human logic
  • As the World changes – we ask that you understand that details hereon also change. However, we do our utmost not to print any unsolicited or groundless information.

WORLD WIDE WISDOM© Sources:  Via our staff experience, Staff Travel reports, valued Client feedback, Our priceless overseas and interstate Industry contacts built up since 1978, Airline staff, Embassies, Government Travel Bulletins, World Health Organisation, United Nations briefs, Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DEFAT) and other credible organisations.

We have divided World Wide Wisdom into two sections: General and Specific.

GENERAL HINTS : General Hints is advice to help make your travel as pleasant as possible. CLICK HERE

SPECIFIC HINTS : is to let you know of vital health warnings and world trouble spots, that usually apply Now and should be considered by you prior to you committing yourself.
Specific Hints is to let you know of vital health warnings and world trouble spots. CLICK HERE

Please consider these as ideas , hints and advice and check all details with our staff for expanded comments or further advice.

Without question and without doubt- Advice given by our staff and hints on how to travel the world better can not only save you money, hassles and heartaches but can very easily save your life or the lives that you love.

PLEASE NOTE AND BE AWARE that to protect your travel investments ONLY travel booked directly with Axis Travel Centre will be afforded our exclusive Security Umbrella”(c) protection package . This protection package is FREE to our clients and refunds your monies should an Airline, Tour operator, Cruise line or agency financially defaults. We welcome you to research and forward Axis Travel Centre with whatever travel options you wish, and we will advise, extend our professional services and merge travel components to suit you with ourSecurity Umbrella”(c) protections in place. T:08 84331111 E: axis@axistravel.com.au

*conditions apply.


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